Within the past nine months alone, nearly every kind of business has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in more ways than you would think.
Ever since the virus first emerged from Wuhan’s public wet markets, companies on American soil have experienced immense difficulties in keeping their business on stable ground. As more enterprises face more closure and others struggle to keep their finances, teams, and resources intact, saying that 2020 is challenging seems to be an understatement.
In times like these, consumers are being more selective about their spending, and splurging on non-essentials is not nearly as feasible. Firms looking to pull through the challenge are forced to exhibit resiliency at every turn. Whether it’s in the form of layoffs and cost-cuts to innovative offerings and forward-thinking pricing strategies, the number of ways companies can adapt is nearly endless.
Out of all the different tips, tricks, and tools that you can use to help your business pull through the storm of an ailing American economy, there’s one that will prove the most valuable at this time: Search Engine Optimization.
How SEO Will Help You Bounce Back
As more Americans are forced to stay at home to flatten the curve, the number of active internet users in the country is at an all-time high. This means one thing: customers are using their search engines more frequently than ever.
From searching for the perfect sweater to buy to reading up on the latest election news, American consumers now depend on their search engines to get on with their lives. Thanks to the fact that more opportunities to sell have become more abundant today, it’s safe to say that every opening to reach a new customer counts. This is where search engine visibility comes in.
If your business has a website that teaches visitors about your products or services, the chances are that you’ve also received a surge of web traffic in the past few weeks alone.
However, it’s worth noting that you probably haven’t tapped into the full potential of your website’s visibility if you haven’t set up your Search Engine Optimization strategy yet. Fortunately, putting the right approach together and implementing it will ensure that you get the customers you need to pull through the pandemic!
The importance of a proper approach for building consumer trust
When it comes to understanding exactly why SEO works to help any kind of business rebuild in a time like this, a pinnacle factor to look at is consumer trust.
Although the tool’s primary function in question is to help any business gain visibility by climbing high up on the search engine rankings, it also occupies a crucial role in building trust.
Thanks to Google’s introduction of the EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) quality rater, online users have become more inclined to trust top results for their queries above all else. This essentially entails having your website listed at the top of the results will show cost-conscious consumers (especially in COVID-19) a more significant reason to purchase from your website.
Once you get everything for your strategy up and running, you also end up committing to a practice of sharing authoritative and relevant content. This makes you a figure customers can trust in a time of hysteria.
Although all American companies are fighting to remain in business amid the difficulties posed by the coronavirus pandemic, firms that use SEO to their advantage can remain hopeful about a recovery. Suppose your business is currently struggling, and you need an opportunity to bounce back and rake in more customers. In that case, it’s best to start working on your search engine visibility efforts right away!
If you’re looking for the best SEO audit tool that money can buy so that your business gets all the visibility and results it needs amid the pandemic, look no further because we’ve got what you need. Get in touch with us today to schedule your free SEO audit and learn more about how our audit tool and other services can work to your advantage!