5 Tips for SEO Keyword Optimization for Your Website

Last Updated: December 20, 2023

In This Article

Periodically changing up your list of keywords will not only help you keep your content fresh; it will also help you keep your Google rankings up. Keep in mind that Google constantly works to update its algorithms, so it is crucial that you optimize your keyword list to stay ahead of the competition.

Here are a few useful tips to help you keep your content relevant and drive traffic to your website. Regularly updating your keyword list is a way to help you stay on top of search results. This will result in more website visitors and convert into more sales and profit for your company in the long run. 

Tips For The Best SEO Keyword Optimization

1 – Map Your Keywords To Match The Buying Journey

There are three main steps in the buyer’s journey. The buyer goes through the awareness stage, consideration stage, and decision stage before purchasing the product. Consider these three stages while you update your list of keywords.

For the awareness stage, it is best to use general keywords, such as “best cat food” or “how to lose weight.” The next step is to generate content that will allow your audience to find your website with these keywords.

As for the consideration stage, the keyword list should contain terms and phrases that will be included in your content to show that your company has the solution to their original query.

Lastly, for the decision stage, the keywords have to be more direct at initiating a sale. Keywords like “buy” or “order” will work to help your audience decide to make the purchase.

2 – Build a Keyword Optimization Checklist

Making a keyword checklist is a specific process that should not involve any guesswork. Keyword research ensures that you input keywords relevant to your product when you update your keyword checklist. Otherwise, the whole effort will be in vain.

Make sure to update your metadata on your website as you update your keyword list. Your keyword optimization checklist should include checking which keywords will work with each segment of the website for the best optimization.

3 – Take Mobile Keywords Into Account

The advent of mobile technology has many people using their mobile phones to search online. Mobile keywords are usually shorter because of the smaller size of the keyboards on mobile phones and tablets. Smart marketers should include mobile keywords in their list of updated keywords.

4 – Look Into Keyword Trends

Keyword research should focus on popular keywords that target audiences use when they search. Keyword trends will help drive traffic to the website and work to convert website visitors into paying customers.

5 – Don’t Disregard Long-Tail Keywords

Lastly, long-tail keywords should not be disregarded. These keywords are usually the result of people using voice commands when searching the internet. Your keyword list should be updated to accommodate these trends. If you do not include long-tail keywords, you may be missing out on thousands, if not millions, of website visitors.


Updating your keyword list is a crucial step that should not be overlooked. No matter how good your content is or how useful your products are, your website will not attract any visitors if you do not use the right keywords. Keeping up with the latest trends and best practices is the key to your website staying on the top of its game.

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